
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Manaiakalani-Sumopaint artwork


Today, with manaiakalani,
we got to draw an image of anything we would like, at first i drew a
scenery, but something happened so I ended up drawing a underwater city.
I found the overlay layer option very helpful

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Technology Center

Technology Center

This Term on Thursdays I have been going to Technology
(tech for short)
And my subjects have been foods and woodwork.

In foods, more recently we have
been making bread products and we have also made,
quesadillas+carrot and raisin salad, burgers, and more.

In woodwork we are making a picture frame,
first a mini version, and later on we are going to make a
bigger and more finished version. Before that we made a
name-tag, mine is a letter H.

I'm looking forward to seeing what else we can do for
tech in the future.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019



For a few weeks I have been doing something called MILOS.
(MILOS stand for My Independent Learning Options)

For my MILOS I have been learning how to further my drawing skills, I am specifically learning how to draw birds,and in the end, after I have learnt, I am going to draw an illustration based on each classrooms native birds.

-Next steps-

The things i need to do next are,
Discover different ways to draw birds, and find out what each classrooms birds are.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Text-to-self and text-to-text Holly


I connect to this text because i have been interested in ocean
pollution because when i was younger i had no idea how the ocean would
get polluted and wanted to learn more about it.


Similarities between texts

-both about/include information about oil spills.
-both include lots of info about the damage caused.
-both have a story to tell


-One talks about the many ocean pollutions, the other talks about one type.  

-The stories told are different