
Thursday, July 25, 2019

This Is What Happens When You Pay Attention In Math

Bar Graphs

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about bar graphs. I learnt that bar graphs have, tittles, bars, and labels, there are horizontal, and vertical, labels. Here is an example of my learning

Monday, July 22, 2019

Inquiry Reflection

Inquiry Reflection
At the beginning of the term, I did a quiz on the Careers NZ website and discovered
that some jobs might interest me are Graphic Designer, Chef, and Digital Artist.
From my Strengths Explorer Survey I discovered that my top three strengths are relater
discoverer, and organizer.    
Thinking about these I decided to focus on the career of a digital artist.
I got information from the Careers website, as well as my own personal experience.
I organised my information into a  slideshow and presented it to my classmates and the
year 6 students at our Rāwhiti Career Expo.

One thing I learned is how much digital artists get paid, which is around $20-70 per hour.